Friday, October 5, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Ah, it has been quite awhile since I have posted anything concerning myself or my son. Well here is the scoop. It's not thorough but it will work. Well apparently the last time I update was in August of last year. I don't even know if anyone even follows this blog, but really I do not care, because it is for myself and sharing with family whom I do not live close to. Any who, Alexander is doing very well. He will 19 months( 1.5 yrs) tomorrow. It is October, and Halloween will be here before we know it. Alex will be a pirate along with my friend Andrea, Hayden(Andrea's 16mo old son),and Jeremy (my SO). We are going to be a band of pirates. Well the last time I updated was when Alexander was seven months old. He is much bigger now and way more active. I thought having an infant baby was hard. Boy, I sure was wrong. Alexander gets into everything now and he is constantly learning new things. He learned to walk around twelve months. After that movement was gravy. He began getting into everything and now he is learning to talk in full sentences. He is a very smart boy. He can almost count to five, he knows what a circle is, he can identify objects in books and in real life, and he adores other children. I never knew having a son, or a child for that matter, would be so tantalizing and self satisfying. Ever since creating this being I have been overwhelmed with a sense of self and belonging. I now have a purpose to my function of life. I would not change these past few years for anything, they may have had their difficulties, but man they were worth because I came out on top and now have a happier life because of it. I never knew kids were so much fun. I'm definitely a proud mother.

First Pic: Alex and Hayden today matching and being best friends. :D (Alex is on right, eating his feet)
Second Pic: Alex two months ago taking pictures, being very cute.

He is a wonderful son.