Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I don't understand

Why some women just throw thier children away, literally. How could some woman just have a child then throw it in the dumpster. There are people out there who can't have children who desperately want them. It shouldn't matter how the child is concieved, something with a heartbeat is living. People just shouldn't act so ignorant about this situation. I'm just so pissed that this is something our society should even be worrying with. People need to educate themselves. QUIT BEING IGNORANT AMERICA! thatisall.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happeh 4th of July, I know I'm a day late

and a dollar short. FML.
Its all good though, I had a good one even though I had to work.
It feels weird working while my LO is in the care of a close relative.
I miss him when I'm away, as do most loving parents.
I do enjoy time away though, just because it makes me miss him that much more.
I need a hobby that involves physical activity indeed.
Have a good night all :D

Friday, July 1, 2011

I addicted to:

My little man and his beautiful smile.
Everytime he does it, I just wanna kiss him.
He is the cutest thing in the world.
I do good work, oh yes, i do good work:D